It's August!
I've made up my mind to maybe start blogging again. Maybe. Can't promise to be too consistent in that. But oh well.
It's the 3rd week of my holidays. My last ever End-of-Semester break. After this will be a HELLO-FIFTH-YEAR schedule.
Meanwhile, I shall indulge myself with rests, rests and more rests. As LP puts it, 'enjoy yourself even though it's just
rotting at home'.
I would like to blog about a good samaritan that made my day last week. ( formal..LOL) Sam and I were intrigue by the idea of having some pancakes along Burma Road that we decided to give it a try. It wasn't just any pancake. It was THE pancake outside Union Primary School. This friendly uncle kindly informed us beforehand that there are SEVENTY pieces before our order. Somehow we thought we'd wait.
While waiting, he entertained us with his story of his success. That he wouldn't compromise even if people begged to give them a tiny a order of ten pieces first. His customers would state their time of arrival to pick up their pancakes.
70 pieces - 12pm.
50 pieces - 12.15pm
He writes these orders in his POST-IT notes stuck onto his stall. When asked about the average amount of orders he gets per day; he beamed with pride and whispered, "That's my secret."
Anyhow, we waited for half an hour but there was still a long way to go before our turn came. When we decided to leave without our orders, a good samaritan who ordered 50 pieces before us told us that we can have 20 pieces from his share. Sam and I blinked - and I thought I could cry because of his kindness (not because of the desperation for pancakes).
It is such a joy to witness some kindness.
If everyone should be this kind and loving to one another; this world will be a much better place to live in - as how God intended it.
God saw all that he had made and it was VERY GOOD. - Genesis 1:31.Go out and make someone's day!