Sunday, March 2, 2008


it's 1.38am.. and i'm still awake.

im compelled to mark this moment of my life down... or rather.. the life of a friend with whom i've shared much of my college life with.

within our circle of friends, he was the one who didnt know Christ.

both his sisters, have, against the parents' wishes became christians.

one conversation we had was distinctly embedded in my mind..
y: i cant become a christian.
me: why do you say that?
y: cos both my sisters are..and my parents are counting on me to burn incense for them when they pass away. as the only son in the family, i must not forsake such practice of fillial piety.

Since the day he accepted the Lord...his entire perspective changed. One would have never imagine that, with the freedom he had while pursuing his ambition, came the freedom to embrace God as the one in control of his life.

Indeed, such a life-changing testimony is an encouragement to all. It's like the parable of the sower - the seed that has fallen on good soil. In due time, the harvest is reaped - the flower blooms ever more so beautifully.

He's a friend whom i have owed much to - my gratitude, and an apology - for not being a friend til the end.

I am truly sorry. Please. Forgive me.

~Jie Ying~

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