Gillian's Water Baptism
this is my first time witnessing a friend getting baptised in a swimming pool.'s so good to celebrate this occasion.:) six were baptised that day.. dere was an addition towards the jamie was pushed into the pool. woohoo..!
Classes and lab sessions now consists of:
Using K-files and Gates Glidden bur for root canal treatment. Apparently there's perforation in my first cavity access (on 21)..and of course, it was detected when a radiograph (IOPA) taken. (yes, we know how to take radiographs and develop its film.) My size-15 K-file access right through the perforation. So now i have to use 11 instead. For coronal flaring these 2 techniques are used:
- Crown -down technique
- Step-back technique
Oral Pathology
Chapter 7 of Oxford - Oral Pathology: Diseases of the periodontium (eg. gingivitis leading to
chronic inflammatory periodontal disease)
Oral Radiology
so far, we have learnt to take IOPA - intraoral periapical radiographs and develope the films. Two techniques for periapical radiography:
- Bisected angle technique
- Paralleling Technique
Dental Public Health
Oral health status in malaysia. i was rather surprised with the development of oral health policy as it closely follows the current global health requirements. (kudos malaysia!)
- Ottawa charter
- Alma Ata Declaration
History-taking of patients, CVS, Respiratory disorders, infections, GI disorders, Liver and Renal diseases.
We had a hospital visit to the surgery ward in Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim. Dr. Kyi Tan Oo was very patient with us indeed for our first history-taking session. we managed to take history of four patients. fortunately, they were all quite friendly and helpful.
*I shall add that, one patient actually told us the number of questions we had missed out.:P yes, patients sometimes do know more than doctors.
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