Tuesday, October 21, 2008


An update:

Gillian's Water Baptism
this is my first time witnessing a friend getting baptised in a swimming pool. haha..it's so good to celebrate this occasion.:) six were baptised that day.. dere was an addition towards the end...as jamie was pushed into the pool. woohoo..!

Classes and lab sessions now consists of:

Using K-files and Gates Glidden bur for root canal treatment. Apparently there's perforation in my first cavity access (on 21)..and of course, it was detected when a radiograph (IOPA) taken. (yes, we know how to take radiographs and develop its film.) My size-15 K-file access right through the perforation. So now i have to use 11 instead. For coronal flaring these 2 techniques are used:
  • Crown -down technique
  • Step-back technique
*I shall add that government hospitals do not provide equipments for left-handed dental officers. so a note of advice from datuk dr. rohani, do not get too comfortable using the available left-handed equipments in our faculty. :P no, im right-handed.

Oral Pathology
Chapter 7 of Oxford - Oral Pathology: Diseases of the periodontium (eg. gingivitis leading to
chronic inflammatory periodontal disease)

Oral Radiology
so far, we have learnt to take IOPA - intraoral periapical radiographs and develope the films. Two techniques for periapical radiography:

  • Bisected angle technique
  • Paralleling Technique
*I shall add that all radiograph techniques to develope films are soon to be obsolete as we are now shifting to the era of digital imaging. we are taught these techniques bcos government hospitals have yet to change x-ray in the near future.

Dental Public Health

Oral health status in malaysia. i was rather surprised with the development of oral health policy as it closely follows the current global health requirements. (kudos malaysia!)
  • Ottawa charter
Re-orientating health care services toward prevention of illness and promotion of health.
  • Alma Ata Declaration
Primary health care in heath systems.

History-taking of patients, CVS, Respiratory disorders, infections, GI disorders, Liver and Renal diseases.

We had a hospital visit to the surgery ward in Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim. Dr. Kyi Tan Oo was very patient with us indeed for our first history-taking session. we managed to take history of four patients. fortunately, they were all quite friendly and helpful.
*I shall add that, one patient actually told us the number of questions we had missed out.:P yes, patients sometimes do know more than doctors.

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