Monday, February 2, 2009

a little bit of today

my lil nephew's first day in kindy today@GBK.

oh boy...he cried buckets. the poor boy mustered every ounce of his strength to burst into tears and practically dragged me out of his class...wanting to go home. he was half sobbing...and half screaming after 15mins, wen i wudnt budge. it lasted for a total of 60 mins - 1 hour. not easy to handle tearing and sobbing kids. phew* sooo relieved when d hour was over....and he ceased to talk to me as soon as he reached home. -.- so much for trying to be nice..haha. sometimes u have to do the right thing by being the villain. i honestly cant imagine my grandad who patiently waited 2 weeks for me in the kindy..jus to get me settled down. i understand the depth of his sacrifice.

sent popo for her check up today. she has DM type 2...whic comes with microvascular and macrovascular complications...hallmark of DM. (pathology and medicine does come in useful after all..haha) dr.loo prepared us for a future need of dialysis - nephropathy. she already had cataract years ago - retinopathy..microvascular complications. all we can do to PRAY! fervently..encourage her as much as we can.

i'm already missing dentistry.. undergoing cerebral ischemia cos of hypoxia..lack of oxygen to the brain..because i'm NOT USING IT AT ALL. :P one more week to go!

i shall resolve to hunt for books to read.. now hogging mum's book...christian fiction - THE SHACK.

as for movies - if u havent watch FIREPROOF, i recommend all to watch it. it's worth your time and thought. the story's about a married couple - repairing their broken relationship through learning to love each other again. yup, i'm afraid i cried buckets while watching it.

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